Did Colonialism benefict or harm AFRICA

Georgina Dare
7 min readMay 13, 2021


Did Colonialism benefict or harm AFRICA

The continent of Africa was one of the wealthiest in the World. Although the West tried to paint Africa as some uncivilized place that was the biggest marketing lie told in history. Africa was extremely developed with its own cities, palaces, landmarks, paintings, art, music, and very rich history.

Ibn Battuta was a famous World Traveler and this was some of his quotes on different empires and countries in Africa. This was during the 1300s btw ..


Ibn Battuta was impressed that the Mali people “have a greater hatred of injustice than any other people.” He related that the mansa showed little mercy to the guilty. “There is complete security in their country,” he wrote. “Neither traveler nor inhabitant in it has anything to fear from robbers or men of violence.”


These robes of theirs consist of a silk wrapper which one ties around the waist in place of drawers (for they have no acquaintance with these), a tunic of Egyptian linen with an embroidered border, a furred mantle of Jerusalem stuff, and an Egyptian turban with an embroidered edge…. He brought also a jug of rose-water of Damascus, which he poured over me and over the qadi.

Kilwa ( Present Day Tanzania)

The city of Kilwa is amongst the most beautiful of cities and elegantly built.

Some Buildings and drawings of Africa and Africans

West Africa

Mail — Djenne

Timbuktu drawing (1853)

Of Course the Most Famous Mansa Musa.. So Famous that he was drawn on a European Atlas flipping a Gold Coin — Catalan Atlas 1375

Unfortunately for most Black people, it was Mansa Musa’s exorbitant wealth that drew European interest in Africa.. tsk tsk

CIty of Benin or EDO.. Benin was heavily plundered by the British of its Art and Artifacts.. Most are in the British Museum..

Kumasi, Ghana

Larabanga Mosque in Ghana

Kingdom of Oyo Men talking in Nigeria

8th Century Mauritania — My Goodness 😍😍😍

King Alvaro of the Kongo receiving Dutch Ambassadors ( 1668)

The old capital city Mbanzo was renamed San Salvador by the Portuguese

Lost Stone City ( South Africa) .. 200,000 years old was found..

Zimbabwe Ruins — 900 years old

KENYA Ruins of Gedi ( lost town about 45 acres) possibly from the 11th

Kenya — Lamu one of the oldest swahili villages

Koobi Fora, Turkana — Human fossils over 3 million years old have been found here

Kilwa Tanzania Ruins

Stone Age site Tanzania

Zanzibar — Palace built for Sultan Barghash 1883

Sultan Barghash and his Ministers

Ethiopia ( Of course a Culture Mecca)

Somalia ( Obviously ridiculously beautiful at one point in time)

Madagascar — Queen Rona palace

Picture of Ousted and Last Queen of Madagascar and her daughter Princess Marie Louise the late 1800 .. Living In Exile in France (added for fun)

Ruins of Kush Dynasty — Nubians

Sadly these are a few images that don’t begin to highlight the deep and rich culture of the continent of Africa. Truly the World has lost a marvel… Africa itself had flourishing dynasties, kingdoms, city-states, etc. Colonialism destroyed Africa.. Most Africans are now scrambling to fix the mess that Colonialism made.

Africans are often unfairly judged and compared to countries in Asia who also gained their “ freedom” in the 60s but the difference is. Asia was never raped like Africa was ( except India). Africa was literally ganged raped by the West. Also, The West NEVER LEFT AFRICA like they did EAST ASIA. The West continuously meddle in African Affairs. Countless African Presidents have been assassinated by Western nations trying to maintain power in Africa. We, Black people, all know this.

Some things that colonialist did on their way out..


Fourteen years ago, the departing Portuguese poured concrete down the elevator shafts, and that made it too expensive to go ahead with the beachfront project — and too expensive to tear it down.


Rhodie (as in Rhodesian, unreconstructed white Zimbabwean) cited the case of Beira where, he claimed, the settlers had poured wet cement down the city’s drains as a parting gift

France and Britain did too many shitty things to name pre- and post colonial Africa. Including the policies, Like how African countries ( French speaking) had to deposit into the French Central Bank or colonial treaties making African nations trade only with France.. WTF…

The Truth is Europe cannot lose their foothold in Africa like they did in Asia because its where ALOT ( LIKE A HELLUVA ALOT ) of their money comes from. African Resources, farming, etc supplies more than people know. All the Colonialism is “ gone” , Europe NEVER LEFT and still meddles in African Affairs. I am not saying its strictly Europes fault but they do share a large portion of the blame. Africans themselves want Europe gone but they will not leave.. Hell, they can’t because alot of their economies will sink!!

Please look at this interview with AKON

Colonialism was the Worse thing to happen to Africa.. THE VERY WORST!! They will not leave.. The West paints themselves as some sort of African Saviors.. Never truly stating what was done.. Like the Genocide in Congo ( King Leopald), The Genocide in Kenya ( The British), The Genocides in Nambia ( Germans). . The atrocities committed against the African represents an EVIL mentioned in Dante’s Inferno. It was just Evil, Sick, EVIL, twisted..

The West has convinced the World that Africans are “ bad” and rapist and criminals or that Asians are “ dirty” or “ untrustworthy” etc.. Its all propaganda.. Africans did not invade or terrorize European nations ( not that we couldnt we just didnt) , Africans did not attack HALF OF THE WORLD, Commit countless genocides, rapes, killings, destruction of ancient relics, or stealing of art, cultural artifacts, etc then have the AUDACITY to put them up as trophies in their museums making MILLIONS as a tourist attraction!

Like I said it was the Worse thing to happen to Africa..



Georgina Dare
Georgina Dare

Written by Georgina Dare

Bachelor Degree in Applicable Foreign Languages; Autor, shop owner, Translator( German to French to swahili and Zulu)

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